Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Characters do the strangest things...

I sat down to write out a scene this morning and the characters started misbehaving all over the place. I couldn't control them. Every time I tried to force one back into his or her role, another started to act up. This went on for quite a while and then I let them just do whatever they wanted. They were happier for the freedom I gave them, but I have no idea what to do with the scene anymore. I doubt I will end up using this material, but I think it's important to let the characters dictate their own actions. The scenes and conflicts are more honest when the emotions and actions come from the characters and not the writer.

I just hope that they got all of that craziness out of their system. I have work to do. :)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Summer, a time for...work.

Summer is here and the weather is getting away from typical Chicago chills. The birds are out, the bass are biting and golfing is in full swing. This is the perfect time for me to get crackin' at the novel.

It's sad to watch the leaves in the trees from my office window, but if I don't keep at this it will never be done. It's been said that if you want something done right, you need to do it yourself. Writing for a living doesn't allow for much outside help, so if it's not done well it can only be the writer's fault. If it is done with talent, skill and determination, it's to the credit of the editor! Not fair, but still the most pleasure/pain possible in a career choice, as far as I'm concerned. :)

Haven't gotten my grades back for this semester yet, but I expect good things. I made so much progress in these last few months that it's going to be so hard to leave, diploma or not. I guess I'll still be around, still keep the same circles of writing friends and professors, but it seems miles away already.

Enough of my babbling! The birds are singing and the printer is humming. Sounds like a good day to write.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

The gears keep grindin'...

Well, the next step of my technological evolution is complete. My website is (almost) completely finished. Even though it's currently 'published' to the web, I think I will always consider it a work-in-progress.

On my site there are buttons that link to samples of my fiction and other writings, teachers and writers I respect, and places to shop for books in Chicago. There is a brief bio and my writer's statement, as well.

I'm starting to feel like I have an understanding of this stuff now. It's kinda' nice!

Check it out: http://www.transcendwords.net Let me know what you think from the Contact page.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

BFA Bound!

Well, school is almost over. Another semester closer to the BFA in Fiction Writing degree from Columbia College Chicago. The writing community here is strong, almost a renaissance movement, and something I hope to keep lasting ties with after graduation.

One thing I've made sure to do while in college is 'network,' a terrible word, I know. The most important thing, however, is making sure not to lose touch. Burning bridges is artistic suicide, in my opinion.

Every person you meet that shares your interests is a potential link to a new agent or an open-minded publisher or, even, a small literary magazine that needs to fill some space in the next online-only issue.

One can never tell who their next contact will come from. Keep your friends close, but keep your contacts closer.