Thursday, May 17, 2007

Summer, a time

Summer is here and the weather is getting away from typical Chicago chills. The birds are out, the bass are biting and golfing is in full swing. This is the perfect time for me to get crackin' at the novel.

It's sad to watch the leaves in the trees from my office window, but if I don't keep at this it will never be done. It's been said that if you want something done right, you need to do it yourself. Writing for a living doesn't allow for much outside help, so if it's not done well it can only be the writer's fault. If it is done with talent, skill and determination, it's to the credit of the editor! Not fair, but still the most pleasure/pain possible in a career choice, as far as I'm concerned. :)

Haven't gotten my grades back for this semester yet, but I expect good things. I made so much progress in these last few months that it's going to be so hard to leave, diploma or not. I guess I'll still be around, still keep the same circles of writing friends and professors, but it seems miles away already.

Enough of my babbling! The birds are singing and the printer is humming. Sounds like a good day to write.

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