Thursday, July 5, 2007


...keeps on tickin', tickin', tickin.' Been busy, though the book is killing me right now. I'm stuck on how to write a 'party' scene.

Imagine a ton of people in a room in various stages of sobriety all having several conversations at the same time. There are people bragging and arguing and flirting, all concentrated on themselves, and the dialogue needs to come across on the page as if the reader is right there. That's one of the challenges I've posed for myself, and it's not even a big scene. It's just something that needs to happen in the story and it's giving me a headache (as if I'm there with the start of a hangover as well).

This story is as unknown to me as the reader and each day of writing reveals more about the characters and the way they see the world. I love the discoveries I make each time I sit down to find out what's going on. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow!

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