Thursday, January 31, 2008

Short Absence

Whew! Guess it's been a while since I made a post. No worries, I'm still kicking.

My anthology submission has been revised, edited, scrutinized and accepted. Printing to commence shortly. It was quite the adventure going through all the steps, but it feels good that it's done. Now for the next submission!

Writing, as a job, is a never-ending cascade of ups and downs. Acceptances and rejections, rejections, rejections. No sense letting the rejections get to you. It's a matter of perserverance. Just because one manuscript (or so many you can't count them all) hasn't been accepted doesn't mean the work has failed. It only means the time/editor/reviewer/publication/mood wasn't right at the moment it crossed someone's desk. Fifteen minutes later it may have been perfect.

I'm not giving up. This is what I love to do.

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